Purification of sugar solutions, valorisation of by-products, extraction and recovery of polyphenols from agro-food waste, production of natural dyes.
Water is an indispensable element that is used in enormous quantities in a multitude of industrial processes.
TECNOIMPIANTI supports production processes and communities in every step that involves water, from technical needs to treatments to return the water in full respect of the environment.
Innovation, technology and reliability have always distinguished us, together with a strong commitment to the care and conservation of our ecosystem.
In addition to primary water treatment and waste water purification, TECNOIMPIANTI deals with the optimization of innovative processes, to guarantee maximum efficiency in the process.
F food n. [from lat. alimentum, der. of alĕre «feed»]. – 1. Substance which, when introduced into the animal's organism, makes up for its expenditure of living strength and provides the necessary materials for growth (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals).
The recovery of resources in the food industry is the best expression of the Circular Economy principle.
TECNOIMPIANTI has multiple solutions for the valorisation of by-products in the food sector.
Demineralisation of grape juice and fruit juices, decolourisation and purification of must and wine products, production of food colourings, recovery of anthocyanins, polyphenols and organic acids.