

ADSP Proprietary Technology

A desulfurizer is an essential device in biogas and biomethane production plants, designed to remove hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from raw gas.
Hydrogen sulfide is a corrosive gas and toxic which, if not treated, can damage the equipment and reduce the efficiency of the plant.
The use of a desulfurizer ensures the protection of the plants and improves the quality of the biogas and biomethane produced.

How a Desulphuriser for Biogas and Biomethane Plants Works.

Operating Principle

TECNOIMPIANTI desulfurizers work mainly through a multiple principle which involves both a physical and chemical absorption process of a gaseous species (in this case hydrogen sulfide) in a solvent. Both methods are effective in removing hydrogen sulfide, but vary in complexity and operating costs.

  • Chemical scrubber based on iron salts: uses a chemical solution based on iron complexes, to convert the sulfide ion into sulphur, an immiscible solid that can be easily separated by decantation and/centrifugation. In this system the solution is regenerated thanks to the introduction of air into a tank, whereby the final consumption of reagent is reduced to almost zero, while the abatement efficiency remains at values that can reach 90%.
  • Soda-based chemical scrubber: uses a chemical solution based on sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to neutralize the acidity produced by H2S and therefore promote solubilization of hydrogen sulfide in the aqueous solvent. Soda reacts with the ion produced by H2S dissociations, thus increasing the overall removal yield (dissociation is favored). By operating at high soda concentration values, very high removal yields can be obtained (even 99% in some cases).


The advantages of using a desulphuriser.

  • Equipment Protection
    The elimination of H2S reduces corrosion of pipes, compressors and other equipment, extending their useful life.
  • Improvement of Gas Quality
    The removal of H2S produces higher quality biogas and biomethane, suitable for combustion in boilers, internal combustion engines, turbines or for feeding into the network, thus avoiding damage to expensive equipment.
  • Compliance with Environmental Regulations
    The treatment of biogas for the removal of H2S ensures compliance with environmental regulations regarding emissions of harmful gases.

Maintenance and Management of the Desulphurizer.

Regular maintenance of the desulphurizer is crucial for its optimal functioning:

  • Replacement of absorbent/adsorbent materials:
    the absorbent and adsorbent materials must be replaced periodically to maintain the effectiveness of the process, while the iron salt technology of TECNOIMPIANTI does not require replacement, but only periodic cleaning.
  • Performance monitoring:
    It is important to monitor the inlet and outlet H2S concentration to evaluate the efficiency of the desulfurizer. I can know exactly when maintenance activity is necessary, thus avoiding costly activities based solely on the period and not on performance.



The TECNOIMPIANTI desulfurizer is an indispensable component in biogas and biomethane production plants, ensuring the effective removal of hydrogen sulfide and improving the quality of the gas produced.
The choice of desulfurization technology depends on various factors, including the characteristics of raw biogas, operating costs and ease of maintenance.
Implementing a proper desulfurization system not only protects your equipment but also contributes to a positive environmental impact.
Contact us to discover the optimal solution for you!
